

The prestige generated through out the years by LAVA TAP, the quality of our services and the experience that we have acquired, lets us offer you the best professional cleaning service.


Today we are the most recognize professional cleaning company nation wide with an experience of over 55 years on the market, guaranteeing a highly professional service, because for us, what’s most important; is taking care of the appearance of your business and the satisfaction of our clients.


We are convinced that Excellency becomes reality only by a continuous effort and that; is our commitment towards the future.

60 Years of Experience

The Cleaning Professionals

Our origins:


Founded on December in the year of 1958 by Mr. Bernardo Chico Mena, LAVA TAP emerges as a company dedicated to the cleaning of carpets and furniture home based.

With the passing years and thru the integration of a bigger and better human and mechanical team, the professional cleaning service its complemented. Since the 60’s, our service specialization and national coverage it’s consolidated.


Now a day LAVA TAP is the leading company of its type and offers their services to the most important corporations in the country.

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Lava Tap S.A. de C.V. | Calzada de las Águilas 1205, Col. San Clemente, Mexico City,

Mexico 01740

Tel: 5635-5400 | Fax: 5635-5492

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